(ROI) Return on investment
(ROI) Return on investment
The 2024 Direct Marketing Association report on email marketing effectiveness, based on feedback across 27,000 marketers, indicates an expected return on investment (ROI) of $53 (£42GBP) for each $1.30 (£1GBP) invested, The global email marketing platform, Campaign Monitor, reports its users are achieving a return of $44 (£35) for every $1(80p) spent on email marketing campaigns.
The 2024 Direct Marketing Association report on email marketing effectiveness,based on member feedback, indicated a return on investment (ROI) of $53 (£42GBP) for each $1.30 (£1GBP) invested, and found that this channel is the most used by brands engaging with customers. The email marketing platform, Campaign Monitor, reports its users are achieving a return of $44 (£35) for every $1(80p) spent on email marketing campaigns.
To reach a 40x fold return, every part of each campaign needs to be spot on – from the quality of the contacts data, the design of your communications, the messaging, its timing, the calls to action on the landing page/s, the frequency of campaign sending and follow ups, and ensuring that exactly the right people are being targeted for your products or services. See the Checklist for success below for guidance on what needs to be done.
So, on average, a 40 x fold return. i.e. the value of new business that you should expect to achieve. And that's before you factor in the value of REPEAT orders from clients who love your products and services. Use the ROI calculator on this page to estimate the returns from your investment in campaigns.
To reach a 40x fold return, every part of each campaign needs to be spot on – from the quality of the contacts data, the design of your communications, the messaging, its timing, the calls to action on the landing page/s, the frequency of campaign sending and follow ups, and ensuring that exactly the right people are being targeted for your products or services. See the Checklist for success below for guidance on what needs to be done.
ROI calculator for email marketing campaigns
£ 0.00
£ 0.00
ROI calculator for email marketing campaigns
£ 0.00
£ 0.00
So, if you can you answer yes to each of the following, then you have maximised your chances of a successful marketing campaign. If there are any ‘no’s’, you need to remedy those or they could damage your campaign:
Checklist for success
Checklist for success
Details about this can be found at headsofhr.com/data-compliance, or you may want to discuss with your data supplier. Basically, however, B2B tends to use ‘legitimate interest’ as the legal reason you are contacting someone, so you must ensure that the product or service is relevant to the job title of the recipient, it’s clear who you and your organisation are, and you provide an unsubscribe facility.
Writing your emails
Is your website up to scratch?
Planning your campaign
During the campaign
After the campaign
Last word
Quote from the film The Founder about Ray Croc who built the worldwide Macdonald's restaurant business:
Ray Kroc: "Nothing in this world can take the place of good old persistence. Talent won't. Nothing's more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius won't. Unrecognized genius is practically a cliche. Education won't. Why the world is full of educated fools. Persistence and determination alone are all powerful."
Remember, the individuals you target may not be ready for your products or services just yet, but they might be in six months’ time and your continued persistence will put your organisation at front of mind when they are ready.
What our clients are saying
The team behind AlertBI’s HeadsOf.com service are helpful and responsive – they always deliver to our brief and the data they provide is of a very high quality - we always experience a very low bounce rate.
They are now a trusted and preferred partner.
HeadsOfHR.com seemed to be the only company that could provide contacts data that specific, and in the quantity we required.
Their business advisers are knowledgeable and not pushy salespeople.
We bought the data, found the quality was high and the service and communications were great. Highly recommended.
Clients we have worked with